Squidmas Story

November 26, 2007 at 1:59 pm (neat things) (, )

Check out this really awesome Christmas coloring and activity book about squid and atheism– The Squidmas Story: An Atheist’s Seasonal Coloring and Activity Book. But that’s not all; there’s much more holiday (and/or non-holiday related) paraphernalia regarding atheism, squid, marine biology, and science for all ages available at Dorid Designs. How appropriate and cool! Keep it in mind this holiday season if you partake in any sort of gift-swapping celebrations, or score sustainability points by using what you see there as inspiration for your own home-made/recycled designs/creations.

Via Pharyngula.

P.S.- Someone should really write a book or something about the phenomena of atheist cephalopod-love as is expressed regularly on the internet.


  1. katkmeanders said,

    What, no love for the Flying Spaghetti Monster?! (A fellow Kansan made him up, when writing a letter outraged about the removal of Darwin’s teachings from the Kansas school curriculum a few years back. Darwin is back, for now. *grumbles at the zealots in her state*)

    Wikipedia article:


    Site for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and I do believe they have coloring pages there:


  2. katkmeanders said,

    Ok, I thought he was a fellow Kansan. *sigh* He oughta be, the reason I have a love/hate relationship with my state is, some are like him, and others are like those who took Darwin out of the school curriculum.

  3. Emily said,

    Love for the Flying Spaghetti Monster too, of course! Thanks for the links.

    And as someone with tons of family in Kansas, and who visits somewhat regularly, I understand a little bit of what you’re saying about your home state.

  4. doridoidae said,

    LOL… actually, marine inverts of all kinds.

    Happy Nudibranchmas was just too much of a mouthful, and I couldn’t make a nudibranch tree-topper that would stay put.

  5. Emily said,

    Haha, I stand corrected. :)

  6. katkmeanders said,

    You guys did see this TLLT entry from a bit ago, right? I saw it right after reading this entry, and just sat and giggled like a mad thing.


  7. Emily said,

    Hahaha! I hadn’t seen it. I like those plants a lot…

  8. katkmeanders said,

    The cat picture, and the baby picture were quite funny I thought. I liked the realistic stuffed toys in the last image. Wonder were you can get them?

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